<< Go Back To Articles Directory Liver cleansing diets are never boring. You will eat more vegetables than ever before, delight in fruits, eat different types of protein foods, nuts, and wholesome grains. Herb teas and pure water are included as well as vegetable juices. All foods are made from wholesome organic sources and protein sources are grass-fed and antibiotic-free. The reason why you want to start a liver cleansing diet if you have fatty liver disease is because you want to give your liver the perfect opportunity to regenerate. Medications will never be able to regenerate the liver unless the medications are stem cells! Your body was made to last for many years, and because of all the toxic chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and heavy metals in the environment now, we all have to cleanse our liver from these substances. When we do, benefits come. Here's a list of some of those benefits:
1 Increased energy levels
2 Increased mental focus
3 Stronger immune system
4 Clearer skin
5 Greater creativity
6 Healthier hair and nails
7 Body smells better
8 Weight loss
9 Easier to get up in the morning
10 Resetting of the body's sleep cycles
11 Relief from allergies
12 No need for body therapies such as chiropractic and massage, or decreased need
13 Vision improves
14 Depression lessens
15 Hormones balance out on their own
16 Normalization of body functions (heart rate, blood pressure)
17 Mood balancing Note to Affiliates: You have our permission to use this article to promote "Fatty Liver Remedy™ ONLY". You are not allowed to copy, rewrite or reuse this article to sell someone else's product. << Go Back To Articles Directory |
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