<< Go Back To Articles Directory Fatty liver disease generally does not have any symptoms at all in the beginning stages, but as it progresses, there are many symptoms that may develop. On the other hand, there are cases where these symptoms may occur suddenly or slowly over time, depending on the cause of the disorder. Here's a list of some of them: Extreme tiredness - The liver is responsible for generating energy for you during the day and when it's not working properly, extreme tiredness sets in. Loss of appetite - You may lose your appetite because of a corresponding zinc deficiency or because the liver can't process food as before, thus prevents you from eating more until it processes what you have eaten. Abdominal pain - This occurs because your liver is enlargening, which puts pressure on the receptors for pain in that area of the body. Itchy skin - Skin itches because toxins aren't being procesed in the colon and liver as before and begin to come out through the skin. Dark urine - Urine collects some of the waste products, which may include more bilirubin that changes the color of the urine. Light-colored stool - Food is not processed as usual and the dark pigments are no longer seen in the stool. Behavioral changes - Your liver processes emotions and without it working properly, you will start overreacting and become more emotional. No sex drive - There are fewer hormones being created by the liver and sex drive declines. Hyperpigmentation in the skin - Pigments are diverted to the skin for excretion. Cherry angioma formation in your skin - This is a sign that your liver needs cleansing. Jaundice - Yellowing of skin, mouth, and eyes, from bilirubin are found in the blood instead of being used in production of bile. Bruising - Factors of clotting may be low so bruising occurs. Bleeding from the nose - Factors of clotting may be lowered so bleeding occurs in other parts of the body. Clots found in the stools or vomit - The body reroutes the blood away from the diseased liver. Swelling and edema - The body tries to help the liver heal by sending it extra blood flow. However, the veins become congested and there is swelling. Poor production of albumin also causes swelling. Fever - This can occur because you may easily develop infections. General poor health - You just don't feel well when you have these symptoms. Enlarged or tender liver - Your belly hurts when touched.
Who wants to deal with any of these symptoms? Change your diet and drinking habits immediately so you can reverse fatty liver right now.
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